Automated Orders

What are automated orders?

Automated orders helps you place orders of items that you regularly buy from Linde and they will save you time placing orders!
A one time setup and the system will take care of the rest allowing you to focus on your business in stead of placing orders with Linde Canada.

You manage the order template and which items you want to order, how often and for how long.
Once you activate the automated order, the web shop will automatically place the order for you based on the frequency and timing that you have entered.
You can de-activate or pause an automated order at any time.
We will send you an email a few days before the order is created giving you time to change it or pause it in case you do not need it.

How to create an automated order

You have two options to choose from that will enable you to create an automated order:

  • Save a shopping cart as an automated order
  • Create an empty automated order and add items
Please pick the option that works best for you.

Save a shopping cart as an automated order

A shopping cart with items in it can be saved as an automated order by simply clicking on the "Save as an Automated Order" link below the item details in the shopping cart.

Then you fill in the details of the automated order in the popup and save and activate the automated order. That's how easy it is!
Want more information on how to create and automated order? Check out our detailed instructions.

Create an empty automated order and add items

You can create an empty automated order in the Automated Order tab in "My Account".
Go to "My Account", then select the Automated order tab and click on Create.


Questions & Answers - Automated Order

Can I have several automated orders?

Yes. You can have as many automatade orders as you need.
Make sure to deactivate the automated order if you do not need it anymore or need to take a pause.

Can any of Linde's products be included on an automated order?

Yes! If you can buy it online, you can include it on an automated order.
For items not possible to order online, please contact us and we can help you setup a scheduled order.

How can I cancel the automated order?

Go to "My Account" and select the Automated order tab. Select the automated order you want to stop and click de-activate.
You template will still be available in case you want to activated it again at a later time but it has now been deactivated and will not create any new orders.

I don't want the order to be placed automatically. What can I do?

You can use the Favorites feature instead and create favorite list of products that can can easily add to the shopping cart.